Get ready for an exciting and far-reaching adventure with cross-platform gaming. Mobile devices like Android or iPhone, PC, Nintendo Switch… You can choose which platform you want to play on!
This idea is informal and has been very well received by many. If you love space and of course different machines, especially those you have to build yourself, Space Flight Simulator is the one for you!
Your main goal is to cross great distances. Conquer the immensity of space and explore all its secrets and mysteries! But first you have to build a spaceship.
Use what you’ve already seen and start building. At the beginning you won’t have many resources and upgrades, so your invention will look strange, but then you will have the chance to make it unreal. Later, when you have more details, you will be able to create something that reaches incredible heights.
When your work is complete, send it on its way! With each flight, your plane needs to get taller, so try to improve it with each take-off. After all, your ultimate goal is to improve your altitude record.
Find other ways to achieve more each time. Sometimes the most unusual and uncommon solutions can be very effective, so don’t forget them. Try them all!